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Del Norte County Museums, Galleries, and Historic Sites Guide

Relax, have fun, and enjoy your stay in The Real Northern California

Within walking distance, a short hop in your car, or a day-long driving excursion from the Anchor Beach Inn, you will a variety of Crescent City Museums, Galleries and Historic Sites to explore. There is much more to Del Norte County than the redwoods and coast that everyone comes to see. Learn about the nearby Crescent City Museums, Galleries and Historic Sites nearby in our Crescent City travel guide, and find some time to learn about the people and events who settled the area.

The Pacific Northwest Region is known for its art and culture and Crescent City has an abundance to offer. The Gallery of Arts & Culture features fine art of all mediums created by local, regional, and international artists. A visit the Battery Point Lighthouse and Museum are sure to be an adventure because it is only accessible during low tide. Take a trip over to the Del Norte County Museum and view artifacts from local Tolowa and Yurok Native Americans or the First Order Fresnel Lens from the Saint George Reef Lighthouse. More information about events throughout Crescent City can be found on the Anchor Beach Inn Local Guide Event Calendar.

Ocean World

Ocean World aquarium is privately owned and operated and has been in Crescent City since 1964. Originally Ocean World was called Under Sea Gardens and was located in the small boat basin. It was a barge that was built in Seattle as an aquarium and floated down to Crescent City and rested in the harbor. Visitors would descend below the surface of the water to observation windows to view the sea life.

In 1985 the barge was moved to dry land and took on a new life as Undersea World aquarium. The aquarium now consists of tanks holding over half a million gallons and an abundance of sea life, including sharks, seals, sea lions, rays and wolf eels. Now with a name change to Ocean World and added attractions of shark petting, interactive tide pool, and a highflying sea lion performance, we have something for the whole family.

Your Ocean World Experience

Your visit to Ocean World includes a fully guided tour by our highly trained staff who will show you (and your group or family) and tell you about the creatures of the sea. The tour lasts about 45 minutes and it is fun, educational and entertaining. These tours are intimate with many unique and one of a life time experiences waiting for you.

The tour starts with the Touch and Feel Tide Pool where you will have the opportunity to see and touch many of the strange and interesting creatures that live within the rocks near the shores of the Pacific Northwest. Next we descend into our aquarium where you will see sharks, bat rays and our playful seals and sea lions. You will learn about the life of sea creatures that live right off of our coast here in California.

Then you will be given the opportunity of a life time to pet a real shark. To many who come to visit Ocean World, this is rated as the thing they liked best about the tour, to touch and feel one of the most amazing creatures living on our earth.

Your Ocean World tour wraps up with an intimate Seal or Sea Lion Performance. You will get to know our Pacific Harbor Seals as they make you laugh and amaze you with their antics and amazing feats.You will be introduced to our newest stars, who are learning new behaviors every week. Your tour end in what has been said to be the very best gift shop on the North Coast. At Ocean World, we pride ourselves on bringing the unique and “must have” gifts for you to get for yourself or for that special someone. No other gift store offers

304 Highway 101 South Crescent City, CA 95531

(707) 464-4900


0.8 mi From Hotel

Northcoast Marine Mammal Center

The Northcoast Marine Mammal Center’s (NMMC) mission is to promote the long-term health of marine mammals along approximately two hundred miles of remote coastline in Humboldt and Del Norte counties in Northern California. The NMMC does this through the rescue and rehabilitation of sick, injured, or orphaned marine mammals. The species we most often rehabilitate are pinnepeds: California sea lions, northern elephant seals, and Pacific harbor seals. Less common patients include northern fur seals, Guadalupe fur seals, and Steller’s sea lions. An additional goal of the NMMC is to develop and present educational programs that foster an understanding of marine mammals and their environment.

The Northcoast Marine Mammal Center was founded in 1984 by Medical Director, Dr. Dennis Wood. In 1989 NMMC received a grant from oil spill mitigation funds to promote construction of our current hospital and rehabilitation facility. The California Conservation Corps completed construction in 1992 and their facility includes a medical treatment room, harbor seal pup room, kitchen for food preparation, administration office, gift shop/information center, and nine outside pens for housing animals.

The NMMC responds to several hundred reports of distressed animals, in an average year along 210 miles of rugged, remote coastline. Typically, they admit between 60-90 animals to the Center annually.

Having only one paid employee, HMMC relies on dedicated and caring volunteers to conduct all rescue activities, day-to-day animal care, and operate the gift shop. They also rely largely on revenue obtained through donations, membership, and gift shop sales to care for their patients at the Northcoast Marine Mammal Center. They ask that you consider making a donation so that they may continue this important work.

424 Howe Dr Crescent City, CA 95531-4396

(707) 465-6265


1.6 mi from Hotel

Battery Point Lighthouse in Crescent City

Battery Point Lighthouse is probably the most visited structure in Del Norte County is the Battery Point Lighthouse. This is in spite it only being accessible at low tide. Throughout the rest of the day it is an island located just offshore of Crescent City at the end of ‘A’ Street

History & Tours: The lighthouse was first lit on December 10, 1856. The Battery Point Lighthouse still serves as a private aid to navigation, kept and maintained by the Del Norte County Historical Society which staffs the Lighthouse with keepers year round. Tours include a climb to the lighthouse tower where a Fifth Order Drumm lens, still operational and maintained by our keepers, is in use. The tour of the residence includes looks into each of the residence rooms where original furniture often crafted by keepers many years ago is still in use. Most of the artifacts on display are from Battery Point Lighthouse’s over 150-year history.

Plan Your Visit for Low Tide: Be sure to plan your visit to the Lighthouse while in Crescent City while the tides are out. The Island is open to the public whenever the tide permits, however, Battery Point Lighthouse is only open for tours to the public as announced each year during the months of April through September, and again, only during certain hours, tide permitting. Generally, the days Battery Point Lighthouse is open will be Wednesday through Sunday.

IMPORTANT NOTES: There are no public restrooms or toilets available at Battery Point Lighthouse or on the Island. There is a public restroom in the City Parking Lot located at the foot of ‘A’ Street.

Island Access: By walking across a sandy beach and some rocks. Please always use caution, even at low tides. Watching out for “sneaker waves” and allow yourself plenty of time to travel to and from the Island during low tides and before any incoming tides cover the access way to the Island.

Children should not be unattended on or near Battery Point Lighthouse and the island and beach areas. Dangerous waves and a rocky shoreline are picturesque, but can be very hazardous at any time during the day, during high or low tides.

No cameras or photographs are allowed inside the Battery Point Lighthouse Museum.

235 Lighthouse Way, Crescent City, CA 95531

(707) 464-3089


0.9 mi from Hotel